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Chrisley married Julie Chrisley in 1996, and they share five children.Braddock and Chrisley paid the blackmailer $38,000, he testified.He also claimed a blackmailer threatened to expose their affair and Chrisley's fraud if they didn't pay up.The Chrisleys have been accused of submitting false reports to the banks and evading $2million in taxes.Braddock claimed his feelings for Chrisley convinced him to help them commit fraud, but he later became vengeful and turned them into the FBI.He claimed he had an affair with Chrisley in the early 2000s and remained friends until 2012, when Chrisley threw him out and threatened to call the police.Todd Chrisley's former employee Mark Braddock testified in court on Tuesday, claiming he created fake documents and impersonated Todd.Reality star Todd Chrisley had gay affair with business partner who helped him commit fraud, trial hears: Scorned lover tipped-off feds to Chrisley's 'crimes' after fling ended

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